05 Aug 40 Churches Scheduled For Storyline Missions Course
Over the last 9 months the Storyline team has been working diligently with our Ukrainian partners to develop a long-term, sustained mission mobilization program for their denomination. Storyline, Pioneers, and the Ukrainian Baptist National Leadership began a strategic planning process during the fall of 2015. Plans were made to train 60 leaders in strategic cities in Ukraine. These leaders would then serve as national mobilizers.
These mobilizers would execute a 5-year program to take mission education and training to 2000+ churches nationwide within the denomination. The goal of this program is to raise significant financial resources and recruit pastors toward new church planting efforts domestically and abroad. After much planning with the leadership of the Ukrainian Baptist Union, Storyline produced an 8-Lesson Small Group Bible Study and a Seminar specifically for their use as a long-term mobilization tool. These resources have been professionally designed, translated and uniquely fitted to the Ukrainian local church context.
During the summer of 2016, Storyline completed the training of 60 leaders in western, southern, and central Ukraine. 40 local churches have now been scheduled over the next several months for exposure to this Biblically-based, mission-centered curriculum produced by Storyline. This represents over 1,200 Ukrainians being challenged to join what God is doing around the world by going or giving.
Storyline will continue a relationship with the Ukrainian Baptist Union over the next several years as they develop their sending capacity. This summer was the first step in a 5-year strategic plan with the Ukrainian Baptist National Leadership. In addition, much of the funding for the initial design and production work will transfer as Storyline works with leaders in other regions. We specifically designed and produced our resources to allow timely and cost effective subsequent versions.
“This was the first time I heard of the course ‘Storyline’ and now I have useful information for my church. I see how we can challenge people about missions.”
–Bogdan completed the Storyline training in Kiev and since then has taught the course in two churches. He’s teaching in another church this week, and is scheduling more.
Thank you for your support of this valuable project! Great days are ahead for the Ukrainian church. Please continue in prayer for them as they push into new fields and trust God for new, healthy, and vibrant churches to be planted both domestically and abroad.