
A conversation with Mike Krieg, the Executive Director of Storyline, and Stephen Sooka, our ministry partner in Uganda. God is using Stephen to mobilize a region of Africa that is just now learning about being a sending church. The amazing story of emerging missions from...

This week one of our partners and dear friends, Stephen Sooka, led the Storyline Seminar in Bugoba Buikwe District of Uganda. Rather than reproduce his report, we thought we'd share it in his own words here. We're very excited to serve Ugandan mission mobilizers as...

Pollster George Gallup projected tens of thousands of U.S. churches would close their doors this decade, not because of low funds or programs, but because of lack of vision. Proverbs 29:18 addresses this: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Cad Dudley, Christian leader...

Sean James, a millennial mission’s pastor from a church in Austin, Texas talks about the surprises he experienced as the only American at a mission’s conference hosted in Ukraine. Listen to Sean’s stories about his recent Bible College education and the reality he experienced while...

Is missionary work an Orthodox practice? Can all Orthodox Christians participate in mission work? The answer to each of these questions is a resounding, “Yes!” In this article we will explore the history, methods, and motivation behind Orthodox missions, arriving at the conclusion that not...

Recently, Storyline participated in a gathering in Ukraine for missionaries to meet with one another, pray, and talk about the current realities they are experiencing. The most incredible stories came from those who live in countries where the Christian church is persecuted by majority Muslim...

(This article is reposted from and written by Steve Moon. This thinking resonates with us here at Storyline as we have the opportunity, on a regular basis to sit with global leaders and discuss the challenges and opportunities that are before them. We are...

During my time living in Irkutsk, a city in eastern part of Siberia, I was invited to a game of soccer with several students. But this wasn’t any ordinary game of soccer. It was the dead of winter. We boarded one of the local commuter...

How did a persecuted movement that began with a small group of Jews become the most widespread movement in the world today? This sweeping cinematic overview first unveiled at Cape Town 2010 highlights milestone events from nearly 2,000 years of church history, beginning with the...