15 Jan Mobilizing mission from Panama and Costa Rica
We’re getting off to a great start to the new year. Currently I’m wrapping up a week of training over 200 Panamanian and Costa Rican young men and women in Alajuela, Costa Rica at Shalom Church. It’s been a great week of vision, prayer, and encouragement for these young people. Thus far over 80 of them have committed to a short term missions project beginning next week. What’s interesting about this conference is that many have decided to attend these projects this week and have started raising funds during the conference. I have not seen that EVER at a missions conference. Projects are being led to Venezuela, Panama, Chiapas, Costa Rica, and Colombia. These trips are helping them put their learning into action right away.
I was given a plenary presentation as well as several workshop training times. Super fun! The energy and excitement for missions and reaching the world is very alive and active here. One leader named Ramiro Martinez, from Mexico City is teaching a session on Developing Yourself as a Mobilizer. When we met, he pulled out the book Go Mobilize ( a book on mission mobilization Jason Gardner and I wrote 4 years ago) I had a great time sharing with him the story of how and why we wrote the book. It’s so fun to meet people who meet your writing before they meet you. Very fun! These tools and resources are going places we’ll never get to. Ramiro got the full download on Storyline and we’re now hatching a plan to train leaders from 7 seminaries in Mexico in how to mobilize churches for missions using the Storyline Seminar and other tools.
Thank you for praying. Your investment of prayer and resources sustains us. What is happening here is something you have a share in. God is working in powerful ways to advance his mission.