19 Apr Mobilizing Uganda
This week one of our partners and dear friends, Stephen Sooka, led the Storyline Seminar in Bugoba Buikwe District of Uganda. Rather than reproduce his report, we thought we’d share it in his own words here. We’re very excited to serve Ugandan mission mobilizers as they reach their communities for Christ and also endeavor to send Ugandans to the nations. Stephens report follows.
Storyline Seminar
Name of the training: Storyline Mission Seminar.
Program Sponsor: Storyline Missions.
Implementor in Uganda, Africa: Mission Active (Stephen Sooka)
Location/ Training Venue: Bugoba Trading Buikwe District (Grace Revival Trumpet of Healing Church).
Date: April 13, 2019.
Number of Participants: 103 Duration: 1 day.
Reported by: Stephen Sooka.
This report is a narration of how the Storyline mission seminar went in Bugoba Buikwe district. The
training was facilitated by Pastor Stephen Sooka and Pastor Isaac Wasswa accompanied by a team of six(6) volunteers from Mission Active supporting in worship and praise, registration, coordination and media/IT.
The lead pastor and ministry team at Grace Revival Trumpet of Healing Church hosted, helped with
organizing, mobilizing and enabled the training to take place.
The seminar was attended by participants from three districts, namely Buikwe District, Mukono and
Kaliro districts comprising of lead/senior pastors, Church elders, and leaders of church evangelism
departments, youth leaders and other church ministers.
Most of these have a desire and passion to be active agents of the gospel in their community and are
seeking ways of how they can effectively reach their community and the world with the gospel.
Time Schedule:
The team of eight (8) travelled from Buloba at 6:00am and it took 4 hours to reach Bugoba a journey of
85 kilometers from Kampala.
The training started at 11:00am and ended at 5:00pm with break and lunch time breaks although it
suffered the interruption of the early morning rain.
Training goal/objectives:
The main objective was to mobilize the church to actively engage in the command and responsibility to
preach the gospel at individual level and at corporate/group level as a church.
The training also aimed at raising awareness of the importance and urgency of preaching the gospel.
The training also aimed at providing general knowledge of God’s story as exhibited in the structure of
the bible vs the personal/individual stories.
All of these objectives were achieved and the impact of the seminar will continue for a prolonged period
throughout the church and the community as participants realized the great responsibility they have as
a church and the need to actively take action in obedience to this command.
Facilitation techniques used:
The training was taught in the local language Luganda although the material is in English. The trainers
taught and delivered the seminar content while allowing time for questions, answers, remarks and
action statements as members were committing themselves to the great commission.
A tent had to be hired to provide enough room/shelter for all participants
Conclusion and recommendation:
The seminar program was conducted successfully and all the participants actively participated.
The remarks from the participants showed that there was a lot of information regarding reaching out
and discipling others.
Mission Active will continue to follow up and hear further updates as the church takes bigger steps to
respond to this call in their community and beyond.
The Mission Active team and the hosting church borrowed and hired some sound equipment to allow
easy communication and make the sessions lively while worshiping God.
Some participants gave their reviews using phone video recordings and they are very inspiring to fan the
Mission Active will work with the churches in the community to reach out to about 600 children in a one
day children’s mission/outreach event.