18 Nov Storyline Develops Partnerships and Essential Mobilization Tools in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a beautiful country. In recent years it has become a mecca for tourists, backpackers, and North Americans seeking to retire in the tropics. From the mountains, volcanoes, Pacific and Caribbean coasts, the natural beauty is breathtaking. However, what brought Storyline to this great Central American nation was mission sending potential. Costa Rican evangelicals have been sending missionaries for at least 30 years, and as the church has grown, so has her potential and influence in other Latin American countries. As one mobilizer stated, “We have the structures, we know how to care for our missionaries, we just need more mobilization in the churches.”
This month the Storyline team ran three Storyline Seminars, one in the Pacific Region, one in the Central Valley, and one in the Caribbean Region. Over 75 people participated, many of those people influential leaders from churches and mission organizations. Their desire is to replicate the Seminar in their networks and churches throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, and possibly even West Africa. Our team met with the pastor of a large church near San Jose who wants to implement the Storyline Study into their small groups, consisting of over 700 people. Currently Storyline is developing partnerships with several mission sending and mobilization groups as well. The potential of the mobilized Latin Church cannot be overstated. Spanish speakers share 10% of their language with Arabic, and their culture has notable similarities with Arab culture both in practice and physical appearance.
Our team was amazed at the response to the seminar; there were plans and strategies being developed as partnerships began to emerge before the seminar was even completed. Ricardo, one of our partners there, is collaborating with a church planter in Muslim North Africa who is from an Unreached People Group. Through their partnership over 300 new believers in North Africa are studying God’s word and being discipled in their new faith.
Alexis is a professional musician who was a missionary in Mexico years ago. Recently God healed him of a debilitating disease, and he has been contemplating his next step in advancing God’s Kingdom. After attending the Storyline Seminar, he said that it was “like water in the desert” for him. Alexis knew that God still had a calling for him in missions, and he responded immediately by joining our team as we traveled to the Caribbean coast to deliver another Seminar.
José is working with a large mobilization network called MOVIDA. In January they will host their CIMA 2017 discipleship training inSan José, which will help young people gain a vision for God’s heart for the nations. They are anticipating 600 attendees from 15 countries! José told us that the need for more mobilization tools are invaluable and that the Storyline Seminar is very a timely and much needed resource.
As we partner with leaders like Ricardo and José, we coming alongside individuals and organizations to mobilize the Costa Rican Church. Additionally, our vision is to catalyze their influence throughout Latin America, giving clear direction towards the unreached through prayer, going, sending, mobilizing, and welcoming. As Storyline launches to other Spanish speaking Caribbean nations, leaders like Ricardo and José will be a great asset as we work together in helping to fully mobilize the global church!