18 Jun The Art and Science of Frontier Mobilization
The last 30 years has seen a rapid shift in the makeup of the global church. The explosive growth of the church in the global south has dramatically altered the ethnic and cultural makeup of the body of Christ on planet earth! Today, most of the church of Jesus Christ is non-western, non-white, and non-wealthy. Mission thinkers are now saying that the western church comprises only 10% of the global church! The implications of this demographic transition on current mission strategy are enormous.
Western Christians must embrace this new missions paradigm, and adopt a new posture in the global church. In our day, we are witnessing the greatest non-western missions movement in history. The mission field in many parts of the world is producing a powerful mission force.
And with this seismic change, new strategies are also emerging. One of those strategies will require humility, courage, and the willingness to take risks in order to serve the global church and it’s rising missions movement. This unique and potent strategy is what we refer to as: Frontier Mobilization!
Every where we travel in the world, whether it be Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America or Europe, national believers are asking the western church not to replace or supplant their work, but to come alongside them as partners. Today, due to the explosive growth of the church in the global south and in Asia, this is definitely the way to go.
Through the development of specified ministry tools, equipping, training, and projects with our national partners and field teams, we are empowering the national church and seeing God raise up indigenous mission movements.