15 Nov Uniting for the Cause: Mobilizing the Church for Global Mission
The needs of the world are great and the workers are few. Of the over 7 billion people on earth, it’s estimated that 41% have yet to hear the gospel message. With so many unreached people groups and under-resourced ministries, the task of spreading the good news globally seems daunting. Yet if the whole church unites together for the cause of Christ, we can make an enormous difference. The mission field is ripe, and it’s time to mobilize.
Jesus made it clear before ascending to heaven that His followers would be His witnesses locally and globally (Acts 1:8). As His church, we all share this duty to actively spread the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. Some are called as full-time career missionaries, while others serve short term. Still more play a vital role by providing logistical and prayer support. Each one of us has a part to play based on our unique gifts and capacities.
When it comes to world evangelism, no one person, church or denomination can go it alone. We need all hands on deck. Just think of the incredible power unleashed when the global body of Christ pushes together towards fulfilling the Great Commission. A multi-ethnic coalition focused on making disciples can accomplish more than any single group.
Mobilizing for global missions starts right in our own local churches. It begins as pastors instill a passion for the lost. It grows as church leaders provide training and opportunities to put faith into action. It develops further when congregations pray fervently and give generously. Soon the momentum spills over as believers encouraged and equipped to reach the world.
The task ahead seems monumental. But Christ reminds us that through Him, all things are possible. He assures us of His constant help and unlimited power available to those who go in His name. May we unite as one family on mission, fully leveraging all our diverse gifts and resources for the sake of the gospel. Just imagine what God can do when His people come together for the cause that matters most – proclaiming Christ to the ends of the earth.